Facilities: Public Notifications
In February 2018 the State of New Hampshire adopted Senate Bill 247 “Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning from Paint and Water.” This bill requires that by July 1, 2019, all schools and licensed childcare facilities in the state complete testing for lead in drinking water at all locations where water is available for consumption by children. It also requires clearer real estate disclosures for homes built prior to 1978 due to the fact that lead paint was widely used before this date. To further protect your family from potential exposure, the state recommends that all residents test for lead paint if your home was built prior to 1978, and to test your water for stagnant lead from your home plumbing whether you have town water or a private well.
The water testing protocol for Senate Bill 247 (SB247) consists of collecting one liter of water from each fixture first thing in the morning, before there is any water use in the building. This is referred to as “stagnant lead” and is intended to represent worst case conditions. Lead is not naturally occurring in water but can leach out of plumbing fixtures as the water sits stagnant over long periods of time. This is why, in addition to testing, it is important to flush the tap every day until the water runs cold before using it for drinking or cooking.
In compliance with SB247 we annually test all locations at which children obtain drinking water at Arts Academy of New Hampshire.
The water testing protocol for Senate Bill 247 (SB247) consists of collecting one liter of water from each fixture first thing in the morning, before there is any water use in the building. This is referred to as “stagnant lead” and is intended to represent worst case conditions. Lead is not naturally occurring in water but can leach out of plumbing fixtures as the water sits stagnant over long periods of time. This is why, in addition to testing, it is important to flush the tap every day until the water runs cold before using it for drinking or cooking.
In compliance with SB247 we annually test all locations at which children obtain drinking water at Arts Academy of New Hampshire.